Tuesday, September 14, 2010

trying something new

No, I did not go all organic.

Yes, I do care about the environment, but it doesn't really cross my mind that often.

No, I am not a tree hugger.

Yes, I do want to be chemical free if possible, but I don't think about that much either.

I really do not know why I made such a rash decision other that my friend Amanda made it sound soooo easy.

I have thought about it before but thought probably "NOT".
But they make them so cute and really quite easy.

I did it! I bought Cloth diapers. They are in the washer now being prepped to absorb the gallons Eli will test it with. We will see if they work. We will see if it really is that simple. We will see how long I last.

Sighning off- Nature Girl :)


  1. Can't wait to hear an update! Good luck you go getter!

  2. I reallllly considered it with Avril. But wound up being too lazy in the end! (no pun intended)

    Mom used them with all of us except Tess. I can remember changing my brothers. And the stinky diaper pail. Maybe that's why I chickened out!
    Good luck to you!

    I have also considered going all organic. We are about half & half right now.

    As for the chemical thing...
    I'm sorry but sometimes bleach just gets things cleaner! =) Find me a really good, EF product and maybe I'll swap.

  3. Good for you! I used cloth on and off with my two oldest and nearly exclusively with my youngest. I didn't find it any harder than disposables - the new ones are so cute and easy! What brand did you wind up with?
    Hope you find the switch a good one!

  4. Yikes!
    All I can say is you are SO brave! It's bad enough smelling the stuff, hate the thought of dealing with it after that point!
    Good luck, you can do it!!

  5. Let me know how it goes! We have a lot of blue bumGenius 3.0's on clearance right now at Mom 4 Life!
