Sunday, October 24, 2010

"My Pumpkin"

It is official Kaly is 11 years old!

11 years ago, after a few months of "bed rest" Kaly was born 6 weeks early. She was 5 lbs 4 oz. The only struggle she had was with eating. She nursed well but she was using more calories than she was getting so, we had to began gavage feeding.
Her eating schedule was a bit overwhelming at first. First she would be weighed in grams then she would nurse, then we weighed her to see how much she ate, the we would feed her through the nasal gastric tube whatever she still needed, then I would pump, then we would sleep for an hour and a half and start over again. The hospital had a converted supply closet that we were able to stay in so we could be close to Kaly. She was in the hospital for 12 days and much of the time was focused on getting enough calories into her. I convinced the doctor to let us rent a scale that would weigh her in grams so we could take her home. Our dishcharge requirements were that both Jeromy and I had to show the charge nurse that we could put her nasal tube back in in the event that she pulled it out. She did it a few times and we needed to be prepared. Once home though she started eating much better and we were able to discontinue the nasal tube in two days.

Kaly at 14 days old-the day she pulled her tube out for the last time.

Kaly has been an "I know what I want girl" since day one. She has been sweet and energetic and creative everyday of her life and she has had her moments of extreme stubbornness and throwing fits. She was pretty difficult in her toddler years but she has continued to grow into a beautiful, sweet, smart and creative young lady. Kaly you are so precious to us and we love your sweet and loving spirit. We love how you take care of your family, how you love to help Gavin with preschool, how you love to make us each special presents,and how you love to be creative in arts and cooking. We love your determination and your God given motivation to make the most of every minute. We love your passion for life and your love for God.

Happy Birthday Sweet heart!!
We pray it will be a year full of blessings and joy!

Love Dad and Mom


  1. Happy birthday, you sweet girl.

  2. Holy Smokes!
    You described Kira to a tee! LOL! I never knew these two girls were so much the same! Hard when younger, but surely paid off in the end with thier sweetness! So glad Kira has so many good older rolemodels!
    Happy Birthday girlie!!!

  3. Love ya K! Hope u have a wonderful birthday!

    Love, your BFF

  4. How fun to hear her story. Not sure I knew all that. Happy Birthday, Kaly!

  5. Awww...her story brings back some memories of my Morgan's birth! Happy birthday, Kaly, hope she had a most wonderful day!

  6. Happy Birthday, Sweet Kali! You have always been a beautiful little girl, inside and out ~ will always remember watching Bambi with you when you were a toddler and preschooler ~ the falls our "favorite part!" Our hearts were so full of love for you from the very first minute we saw you! We love you so, to this day and you will always be our special girl! Can't wait to see you this weekend and give you your birthday gift! Love you with all of our Hearts, Gma Becky and Gpa Mark, too!! :)

  7. Happy Birthday dear!
    You are every bit as sweet as your Mom describes.. Thanks for being such a wonderful friend to my McKenna, and you never stop at just her, Ava and Gretta too!
