Thursday, January 12, 2012

Laughing / Crying

This morning I woke up burdened to get this adoption finalized. Like really burdened.

I committed to the Lord to fast and pray.  My fast was undetermined. I couldn't really put a definite on how long or what I would fast.  Usually I like to have a specific commitment before the Lord.  I just kept saying every time I wanted something to eat, "I want Our Girl more".

I was up early and posted this :

We are still waiting for one VERY IMPORTANT document.
The I 171 H from the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services. (AKA USCIS )
We NEED this to move forward with our adoption.
PLEASE PRAY with us that it comes soon. LIKE TODAY.

God continues to make a way.
When we get discouraged, God lifts us up with a drop of HOPE.

Our girl is anxious to be HOME.
We are anxious to have her with us.

Thank You for Journeying with us. 

I shared on the blog, email and on Facebook our prayer request and headed off to therapy.

As we got home I checked the mail convinced the form would be there.  It wasn't.

A bit disappointed I began to get our docs. together to call USCIS.  
As I searched for the info. I needed, I started re-reading one of the forms we have had since the beginning of Dec.  

I was thinking "this says everything we need the I 171H to say".
Then as I scoured over it I noticed at the bottom in little tiny writing it says, "I 171H form".  I assumed it would have I 171H on the top in big letters and be on shiny, colorful paper, like the other documents we had received.


OH MY!  I was sick ~ happy ~amazed at God ~ and amazed at my stupidity. :(
 (kicking myself-beating myself up-won't change a thing-so why do I do it?)

I am so happy we have the document, but so sick that we have had it for over a month.  

We know God has perfect timing.  It all is so obvious in that as of now Ukraine is closed to new Dossiers until the beginning of Feb. We just got the money last night to pay for the all the up coming expenses.  We just received via email today a new form we have to fill out for the dossier.   

It probably wouldn't have gotten us there much sooner anyway, but I do not want to be the one holding up the process!

We received a message from our girl last night.  It translates, How are you doing? When you come?
I believe she is as anxious as we are to get her home.  

I emailed our I 171 H to our facilitator and promptly received her response.  There are 2 errors on the document.  It must be fixed.  I left a message with our officer and we are now again waiting.

So again I ask, please pray we get our new and PERFECT   I-171H  very soon, and this time I promise I will not mistake it for an update notice. 

Please pray for Our sweet girl, and that God will move mountains so we can go get her soon.

I am claiming this verse: 

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."  Romans 8:28


  1. I almost threw ours away because it looks so unofficial. The papers that we got for our fingerprint APPOINTMENTS looked more official than our I171-H. So glad you have it. Praying for all of you!!

  2. Stacy, I love your heart and your dedication. You are so inspiring to me! I love you guys and I won't stop praying!

  3. Oh girl, I'm so sorry. So hard, so emotional, so worth it, this process. We are walking such a similar path right now. We are waiting on our Loa. It could come as early as the 8th, so I fasted the 8th, and like you, was just sure it would be in the mail that day, still not here. I am feeling so anxious. I'm lifting you up. I'm hugging you with my words! Let's talk soon...Misty

  4. Oh no! Praying for a quick turn around! It took two weeks to correct my name on our second one that they misspelled!

  5. I'm amazed at the way God is moving mountains for my friends who are adopting these days. I love hearing your stories!
